Although Jules had never gotten a flu shot in the past, it had been on their mind lately. Jules decided to call the pharmacy down the street and was able to get a flu shot right away.
Jules feels that as a healthy young teenager, they don’t need to get a flu shot. That’s just for the sick and old, isn’t it?
On Tuesdays, Jules goes to the yearbook meeting at lunchtime. The yearbook team has about 10 people working on it, in close quarters and sharing computers and desks.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Flu can survive on surfaces like computers for 24-48 hours. Wash your hands often.
#influenza #ManitobaHealth #GetVaccinated
Flu can spread to others up to about 6 feet away.

Every weekend, Jules plays soccer. There are 11 people on their team, plus two coaches. The whole family comes out to watch Jules play.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Did You Know: that even if you get the flu after you get vaccinated, the #flushot can help reduce the severity of your symptoms?
#influenza #FluFacts #GetVaccinated
10 to 20% of Canada’s population get influenza each year.

Jules is saving for college, so they work a few shifts a week at the grocery store near home. Usually they’re a cashier, checking people out and bagging groceries.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Get your flu shot as soon as it’s available. It can take up to two weeks to build immunity after you get the flu shot.
#HerdImmunity #FluFacts #TheMoreYouKnow
in Canada.
Now and then, Jules agrees to babysit their little cousins for some extra cash. Milo is 5 and loves dinosaurs. His sister, Ava, is 3 and obsessed with Paw Patrol.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Children may remain infectious for up to a week after getting the flu so should stay home from school and daycare.
#WeDidIt #BetterMatch #GetVaccinated

Jules also regularly volunteers at a local long-term care home to get community service hours. They enjoy connecting with seniors in their community and listening to their stories.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Herd immunity can help protect others. It’s achieved when enough members of a community have been vaccinated to protect other more vulnerable members.
#NotAllBugs #AntibioticsWontHelpTheFlu
Science class is Jules’s favourite — who doesn’t love getting to mix things together? Jules works closely with their lab partner to make sure everything is documented correctly. Anything for an A!

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
The flu is an unpredictable virus. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends getting a vaccine every year.
#NotAllBugs #AntibioticsWontHelpTheFlu
Influenza strains can live on the surface of smartphones, keyboards, door handles and other everyday objects for up to 48 hours.

Jules’s family tries to make sure they have dinner together at least a few times a week. With so many different schedules, it can be tough, but family time is important. Spaghetti night is always family night!

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Not all bugs need drugs. Antibiotics aren’t effective to treat viruses like a cold or the flu.
#NotAllBugs #AntibioticsWontHelpTheFlu

The results are updated based on interactions with this choose-your-own-adventure activity and do not reflect medically accurate statistics. Statistics shown throughout the adventure are based on fact. See more on our sources page.