Ajit gets a flu shot every year. As a front-line health-care worker, he’s regularly in contact with people who have the flu or who are at high risk of becoming ill.
Ajit believes he has a strong immune system because he has already been exposed to so many germs working as a nurse.
A shift as a nurse in the emergency department can be 10 to 12 hours long, and Ajit sees up to 200 patients a shift sometimes. Usually Ajit works two to three shifts a week, but he never says no to overtime.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Influenza has been linked to four major causes of hospitalization in adults over 65, including pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease and stroke.
#NovaScotiaHealth #HereComestheVaccine #FightInfluenza #ReadytoVaccinate
Okay, don’t judge, but Ajit is a chaotic neutral gnome wizard in his latest Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Every weekend, Ajit and a few of his friends go on exciting adventures in the game from the kitchen table.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Flu activity in Australia and the southern hemisphere is usually a good indication as to whether Canada — and North America as a whole — might be in for a nasty flu season in the months ahead.
#WatchingAustralia #InfluenzaAcrosstheWorld #FluActivity
75% of adults who get the flu shot receive it in October or November.

Ajit is a superhero movie buff. And since there seems to be a new Marvel or DC movie coming out every few weeks these days, he regularly finds himself in a crowded theatre. But, hey, you can’t beat movie theatre popcorn!

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Washing your hands and avoiding touching your face will help prevent spread of the flu. But the best form of protection is the vaccine.
#AlbertaHealth #AlbertaInfluenza #GetVaccinated
Place of vaccination

Maybe it’s thanks to his long hours as a nurse, but Aijt cannot make it through the day without a cup of coffee! His favourite place to grab a cup is the little 24/7 café a few blocks away. Double shot of espresso anyone?

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Anywhere people gather, there is increased risk for the spread of flu.
#maskup #washyourhands

On days between long shifts, Ajit needs to stretch his legs. Luckily there’s a good trail nearby where he can run. While he’s not really training for a marathon, maybe it’s something he’d like to do one day!

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Herd immunity can help protect others. It’s achieved when enough members of a community have been vaccinated to protect other more vulnerable members.
#HerdImmunityIsTheBestImmunity #GetVaccinated
Each year the flu vaccine contains four different strains of influenza virus: two influenza A strains and two B strains.

When he’s unable to get out for a hike, Ajit likes to go to a local rock-climbing gym to be as active as he can be. After all, they say physical exercise is a good way to boost your immune system to protect against cold and flu.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada
Influenza is tough on the healthcare system. Influenza infections cause an estimated average of 12,200 hospitalizations each flu season.
#HerdImmunityIsTheBestImmunity #GetVaccinated
Ajit’s parents live in Calgary, but they come to stay with him in Vancouver for a week or so, a couple of times a year. They are both in their 60s and active. They often take Ajit’s lead when it comes to their general health.

Flu Fighters@HealthECanada · Feb 18
Did you know: The strains of influenza virus in the vaccine are changed each year based on which ones are circulating around the world. Another reason it’s so important to get a flu shot every year.
#HerdImmunityIsTheBestImmunity #GetVaccinated

The results are updated based on interactions with this choose-your-own-adventure activity and do not reflect medically-accurate statistics. Statistics shown throughout the adventure are based on fact. See more on our sources page.